Free Shipping
Returning Patients - we will use prescription info on file. Choose the number of boxes you would like for each eye.
New Patients - select number of boxes per each eye and email contact lens prescription to
1-DAY Acuvue Moist for Multifocal contact Lenses you’ll experience clear vision — near, intermediate, and far, as well as in dim light and bright — so you can continue wearing contact lenses to do the things you love. And because they’re built on the 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST platform, you’ll get the same comfort and convenience you expect. One of the highest levels of UV protection available in a daily disposable contact lens.
Send request for mail-in rebate* to: Annual Supply: 90pk x 8 or 30pk x 24 = $250 Rebate
6 Month Supply: 90pk x 4 or 30pk x 12 = $100 Rebate
3 Month Supply: 90pk x 2 or 30pk x 6 = $40
Annual Supply: 90pk x 8 or 30pk x 24 = $250 Rebate
6 Month Supply: 90pk x 4 or 30pk x 12 = $100 Rebate
3 Month Supply: 90pk x 2 or 30pk x 6 = $40 Rebate
*rebates are set by the supplier and may be subject to change without notice. No cash value.
Daily Disposable.