DAILIES - MULTIFOCAL - AquaComfort Plus - 30pk

DAILIES - MULTIFOCAL - AquaComfort Plus - 30pk

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  • $43.99
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Returning Patients - we will use prescription info on file. Choose the number of boxes you would like for each eye.

New Patients - select number of boxes per each eye and email contact lens prescription to


This product is eligible for online rebates*.

90 pk x 4 = $40 rebate, 90 pk x 8 = $100 rebate.

Dailies® AquaComfort Plus® Multifocal contact lenses provide clear vision up close, far-away and everywhere in between.

  • Only brand to offer blink-activated moisture technology for all-day comfort
  • Specifically deigned to address presbyopia
  • Exceptional comfort upon insertion
  • Provides crisp, clear vision

*rebates are set by the supplier and may be subject to change without notice. No cash value.

Daily Disposable.